Damon P. Howard
Damon P. Howard practices real estate law in New York and New Jersey, with experience ranging from commercial litigation to residential and commercial landlord-tenant issues. Mr. Howard also advises owners, developers and lending institutions on real property tax benefit programs and performs due diligence to identify regulatory issues and potential liability that may affect real estate development plans, financing and valuation and to provide strategies to optimize rental revenue. As a litigator, Mr. Howard has represented clients in seminal cases in the State’s highest courts. Mr. Howard is the co-author of New York Residential Landlord-Tenant Law and Procedure, currently published in its 11th Edition by the New York State Bar Association, he has been published by the New York Law Journal and he has lectured at bar association seminars and real estate classes as an expert on real estate and administrative law. Mr. Howard is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and the Tulane University Law School. He is admitted to practice in New York, the Southern District of New York, New Jersey, and Louisiana.